Total News : 10 for Gaudiya Vaishnava Association Change Org
12-16-2019 Fabulous Festivals in Fall by GVAGaudiya Vaishnava Association (GVA), was founded by His Divine Grace Shrila Bhakti Swarup
06-08-2018 Spirituality in SpringShrila Maharaj explained how Ajamila was saved by the Vishnudutas from the yamadutas
10-05-2017 Shrimad Bhagavatam DiscourseGaudiya Vaishnava Association (GVA)conducted discourses at 3 locations
11-02-2016 GVA Celebrates Fall UtsavGVA conducted the Ratha Yatra by participating in the Duluth Fall Festival
05-17-2016 People's Choice AwardGaudiya Vaishnava Association (GVA) participated in the Earth Day
06-16-2014 Earth DayGaudiya Vaishnava Association (GVA) participated in the Earth Day celebrations
05-17-2013 Talks on Bakthi YogaB.S. Tirtha Maharaj, the Founder Acharya of Gaudiya Vaishnava Association was in Atlanta
12-18-2011 Lord Jagannatha Ratha YatraThe Ratha Yatra which started from Morton Road on State Bridge culminated at
08-20-2011 Transcendental TourHis Divine Grace Swami B.S. Tirtha Maharaj was in North America to deliver spiritual
08-20-2010 Transcendental World TourSwami Thirtha Maharaj, Founder Acharya of Gaudiya Vaishnava Association ,was in Atlanta