Total News : 6 for North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta-NASSTA Change Org
07-16-2014 Guru Purnima CelebrationThousands of devotees thronged to the Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta in Suwanee
11-27-2013 An epic comes alive on stageAfter months of preparations the moment had finally come to cut loose the epic production
11-17-2009 Rudra HomaSpiritually elevating Rudra Homa by Sri Sri Sri Viswayogi Viswamjee Maharaj
03-17-2009 Shirdi Sai idol consecratedSeveral thousands of devotees thronged the North America Shirdi Saibaba temple at Suwannee
05-19-2008 Shri Sai DarshanThe play highlighted Shirdi Sai Baba’s philosophy and his message to humanity at large.
02-24-2008 Shirdi Sai TempleDevotees from all around Atlanta and neighboring cities gathered in Suwanee to witness..