Total News : 6 for Kruti Dance Academy Change Org
07-18-2010 Annual Dance ConcertAn exuberant extravaganza- the 15h Annual Dance Concert of Kruti Dance Academy
07-21-2008 Annual Dance RecitalInstructors and proficient group of dancers from Kruti Dance Academy performed …
06-20-2007 Shringara RasaKruti Dance Academy explores Shringara rasa through the magic of Geet Govind
06-09-2006 Kalakaar- A True ArtistIt could have competed with the top notch professionally choreographed shows
05-26-2005 Flight to FantasyAnnual recital of Kruti Dance Academy is an eagerly awaited event in the cultural calendar
05-29-2004 Kruti Dance ConcertYouthful exuberance,innovative and creative choreography left the audience mesmerized.