Memories of First Independence Day of India
Festival of India (IACA) invites you to attend this Seminar

Speaker: Bal K. Gupta, author, “Forgotten Atrocities: Memoirs of a Survivor of the 1947 Partition of India”
Venue: Infinite Energy Center, Gwinnett Civic Center
Timing: 3:00-4:00PM
Date: Saturday, August, 6, 2016
Program Directors: Kaushal Tripathi, 404-317-5474: Rina Gupta, 404-295-6966

Bal K. Gupta, an internationally known Indian-American author has been interviewed by “1947 Partition Archives” of California, “Atlanta History Center” and by “World Hindu News”. His many articles and commentaries on Partition of India have been published in newspapers and magazines in USA, India and Pakistan. Mr. Gupta was a key note speaker in Houston (TX) on Partition of India and for a fundraising event for Congressman Pete Olson (TX). He was also key note speaker for Kiwanis International, Marietta (GA) on the subject and for a fundraising event for Nepal earthquake.