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Yugal Kunj, Radha Krishna Temple, Duluth, GA.
Ram Naumi Celebration with Gopeshwari Didi Ji.
Sushri Gopeshwari Devi Ji, affectionately called Didi Ji.

On occasion of Ram Naumi, Gopeshwari Devi will be blessing us with a
discourse on Significance of Ram Naumi

Program Details:
Friday April 15, 2016 7:00-8:30 pm - Bhog & Discourse on Significance of Ram Navmi by Sushri Gopeshwari Devi Ji 8:30-9:30 pm - Abhishek & Arti 9:30-9:45 pm -
Cultural Program 9:45 -Midnight -Chanting

 More info:  radhamadhavtemple@gmail.com