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Indian Classical Music Society of Greater Atlanta (ICMS) is pleased to inform you that
we are presenting one of India's current foremost vocalists:
Ashwini Bhide Deshpande. Ours is her first program on this short tour of the U.S.
where she is giving only a few concerts.

A flyer is attached below. Please circulate among your friends.

Date: Saturday April 5th, 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Georgia Tech Student Center Theater, 366 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA 30313
Admission: $20 (general), $35 (couples), $5( full-time students with ID).

Please do not miss this opportunity to listen to one of the most acclaimed
vocalists from India today accompanied by her accomplished accompanists:
Sanjay Deshpande (Tabla) and Tanmay Deochake (Harmonium).