Atlanta Book Club
Come share food, ideas and make friends while discussing a
fascinating read!
About the Book Club
NeIP Atlanta has launched a book club for everyone. The idea is
to share, learn and discuss books that reflect our life as a
professional. We had a lot of people show up at the last one and
is a lot of fun !
The fifth book club meeting will be on Dec 16th at 7.30 pm at
Borders in Buckhead.(near Lenox Mall).
The sixth book club meeting will be on Jan 13th at 7.30 pm at
Borders in Buckhead.(near Lenox Mall).
To Join the Book Club
The bookclub members vary each month based on current and
any new members who have made a good faith effort to read that
book of the month. Please come to the meeting(s) if you have
made an effort to read the book in order to participate in the
discussion. We promise to keep it light and fun.
Dec Book
The book for the 5th meeting after a popular vote is
"Confessions of a hit man". See review below !!!!
"Perkins, a former chief economist at Boston
strategic-consulting firm Chas. T. Main, says he was an
"economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence
agencies and multinationals cajole and blackmail foreign leaders
into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative
contracts to American business. Economic hit men (EHMs) are
highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe
out of trillions of dollars,"
The book for the sixth meeting is "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by
Khaled Hosseini( of Kite Runner Fame). A superb read.
Both are available at your local Borders store.
When: Dec 16th, 2009 (Wed 7:30 - 9:30 PM)
Where: Borders at Buckhead
Contact: Bhavik Mehta or Sanchit Rege