Atlanta Nri Indian Desi Community







Shirdi Sai Health Fair, Guru Poornima
North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta


700 James Burgess Rd, Suwannee, GA 30024

678 455 7200   ::

Shirdi Sai Health Fair


Saturday, July 8, 2006

7.30AM - 2.00PM

 The following services will be provided:

 ?         Screening for cardiovascular risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.
Pulmonary Function Test
Screening for anemia, thyroid and male prostate conditions.
EKG for patients with cardiovascular risk factors.
Educational consultations to improve cardiovascular health, diabetes and obesity.
Screening for Glaucoma, and Osteoporosis
Carotid Doppler Test for checking blood circulation to brain
Dental exam includes oral screening for cavities, gum health assessment , oral cancers and advice regarding esthetic treatments
Specialists from the following disciplines are available at the event :

a.  Cardiologist                                 e.  Endocrinologist

            b. Family Practitioners                    f. Internists

            c .Gastroenterologist                       g  Pulmonary Medicine Specialists

            d .Nephrologist                                h. Dentists

            i .Pediatrician

Dieticians are at hand to advice on special diets.



No charge for the lab tests.

Please come fasting from midnight for blood test

Continental Breakfast provided



 Complete blood profile

     Includes, complete Blood Count, Sugar, Kidney & Liver function, electrolytes,                  

     Cholesterol & Thyroid function panel. PSA included for males above 40 years. 


This event is made possible by North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta (NASSTA), Physicians, Dentists and support of devotees and volunteers of the NASSTA.


Sri Sai Satyanaryana Vratham
Guru Poornima - Celebrations July 9, 2006. 2 pm to 5:30 pm

Sponsorship for the pooja is $ 51.

Guru Poornima - Celebrations July 10, 2006.
5 pm onwards

Sai Abhishekham
Sai Palakhi Seva
Sai Bhajans.
Sej Arthi 

Please join with family and friends and celebrate


Kindly write your name and telephone number in the list provided at the temple OR call the Priest @ 678-455-7200

Kamala @ 770-410-0179 Hema @ 678-762-0935