India Meets Germany (May 20 - June 3) 

The Goethe-Institut enjoys working together with the representations of other countries. In May, we are proud to present and celebrate the culture of India and its special relationship with Germany.

At the moment, the following events are planned to take place as part of the India Meets Germany Festival:


Festival Opening: May 20, 7:30 PM
India Concert and Dances, Buffet with Indian Specialties

May 20 - June 3 Photo Exhibition: India Unveiled

May 24, 7:00 PM The Tiger of Eshnapur
May 25, 7:00 PM The Indian Tomb
May 31, 7:00 PM Siddhartha
June 01, 7:00 PM Starbiz

May 26, 7:00 PM India Unveiled
June 02, 7:00 PM Economic & Cultural Ties: India, U.S., and Germany

June 03, 7:30 PM Musical Pictures of India

Goethe-Institut Atlanta
German Cultural Center Atlanta

Colony Square, Plaza Level
1197 Peachtree St., NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30361-2401, USA
Tel. +1 404 8922388
Fax +1 404 8923832